Springer papers


Suyesh Amatya and Arianit Kurti


Mobile devices and mobile computing have made tremendous advances and become ubiquitous in the last few years. As a result, the landscape has become seriously fragmented which brings lots of challenges for the mobile development process. Whilst native approach of mobile development still is the predominant way to develop for a particular mobile platform, recently there is shifting towards cross-platform mobile development as well. In this paper, we have performed a survey of the literature to see the trends in cross-platform mobile development over the last few years. With the result of the survey, we argue that the web-based approach and in particular, hybrid approach, of mobile development serves the best for cross-platform development. The results of this work indicate that even though cross platform tools are not fully matured they show great potential. Thus we consider that cross-platform development offers great opportunities for rapid development of high-fidelity prototypes of the mobile application.


mobile development; cross-platform; web-based approach; hybrid approach; literature survey; HTML5mobile development; cross-platform; web-based approach; hybrid approach; literature survey; HTML5