Recent mobile Smartphone devices have a very rich set of components and can handle multiple general purpose programs that sometimes seem not to be so UE friendly, specifically for UE internal resources, power drain, and signalling storm. Understanding their usage and impact on UE, mobile network and end user perception, will help to better optimize “frustrating” situations for both ends. Nowadays, reducing power consumption seems to be the most crucial design for both mobile and other small computing devices that are not always connected to any power source. Good energy management requires a good understanding of where and how the energy is used. To conclude we will present a detailed analysis of power consumption for a recent mobile phone, Nokia Lumia 625 model. We measured and discussed the significance of the power drain through various components, apps and identified the most promising areas to focus on for further improvements of power management. We would like to present this power breakdown in benchmarks as well as in a number of realistic usage scenarios. These results would better validated by overall power measurements of other Smartphones of the same or different OS’s. Being able to generate a device-specific scalable power consumption model is therefore crucial for understanding, designing, and implementing better mobile application software. A proper energy accounting infrastructure will help both application developers and Smartphone users to extend the battery life of their devices and make decisions about where to spend the remaining device power, potentially in real-time measurements.
Smartphone, Energy measurement, Applications, Power tools, Mobile communication, Test scenario.