Every now and then we all read about road traffic accidents. Red-light running factors into more than 800 deaths annually, more than half of people die due to the red light violators. Red-light running at signalized intersections is a common cause for road accidents. Manual enforcement methods for this problem can be very tedious and costly. Automating red-light running detection can provide significant improvement in law enforcement and also generate revenue for the Governments. We propose an approach for vehicular ad hoc networks to detect red-light running. In this approach, traffic signals send a message packet to the infrastructure node, just like a vehicle does in vehicular ad hoc network. We have defined the packet format and have simulated this model on a graphics package. A simulation result suggests that, red light running is detected and this could probably be another feather in the cap for vehicular ad hoc networks.
VANET, traffic, accidents, red-light detection