The future development of Macedonian healthcare system is facing big chal- lenges. Healthcare is currently in a phase of continuous introduction of elec- tronic services and increased use of IT. Also, processes of centralization and in- tegration of information systems in healthcare have started. These processes were the bases for developing e-Health in the Republic of Macedonia. In the past three years, several e-services were implemented by the Ministry of Health (MH) and the Health Insurance Fund of Macedonia (HIFM) as the main stake- holders in healthcare. Most of them have successfully been implemented and from the beginning have showed positive results. But in the absence of a na- tional e-Health strategy, there is a challenge for the stakeholders in healthcare to further develop the healthcare information system and the e-Health system. A fragmented healthcare information system (HIS) and poor interoperability among subsystems can compromise the future development of the e-Health sys- tem. In this paper we will describe the state of development of the e-Health ser- vices in Macedonia, outline main deficiencies in the current e-Health system, and suggest directions for further development and implementation of e-Health.
e-Health, e-services, healthcare system, healthcare information system