Web proceedings papers



The research reported in this paper has been inspired by the concept of the design driven innovation introduced by Roberto Verganti. He claimed, that the rules of innovation should be changed by radically changing the mean- ing of things. The word design is etymologically derived from Latin expression that relates to distinguishing things by signs (de signum). Therefore the sign and the language of signs play an important role in catching user’s interest in the product. The Internet is one of the most important marketing medium for an en- terprise; therefore the meaning of its Internet image, a website, should be a mat- ter of a great concern to attract clients. The paper reports results of surveys try- ing to find the answer to the question if enterprises websites are considered in- novative in meaning or they are only correctly designed according to user cen- tered rules. Webpages of four groups of firms/ventures were examined: electric- ity suppliers, banks, capital cities and water supply companies. The results showed that for most of evaluated websites the radical change of the overall message were not observed, indicating that this aspect was hardly taken into ac- count in their design. However the research showed that the awareness of the role of the general meaning of a webpage is of great importance for both: de- signers and evaluators.


design driven innovation, creativity, digital media, meaning, webpage, marketing.